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The best free golf instruction online

Updated: Mar 18

Youtube golf lesson.

If money was no object, many of us would sign up for a fancy weeklong golf camp, or spend thousands of dollars taking lessons at Golftec. Or maybe spend a bunch of money on lessons from the pro where we play (and help them pay for their Tesla).

But if you're on a golf budget, there are other options – including free ones.

Some great golf instructors share lessons on Youtube. Most of them use the same model: Post valuable free lessons online, then try to upsell viewers to their premium services or products. Even if you don't buy their online offerings, most of the golf instructors below share valuable free content that will probably improve your golf game.

One caveat, though: It's easy to skip around among online golf instructors and get conflicting advice. Take one bit of advice from Instructor A, then another from Instructor B – and the uncoordinated tips end up messing up your swing. So if you go the free-online-instruction route, maybe pick one and stick with that instructor.

Here are a few of the top online golf instructors:

Me and My Golf - Andy Proudman and Piers Ward

The British golf-instructor duo have a wealth of free instructional videos on their Youtube channel. Or join one of their membership programs for a monthly fee, or purchase individual online lessons.

Saguto's Youtube channel has many great free instruction videos. If that's not enough, sign up for his premium membership program for $14.99 a month.

Swing Quest - Peter Finch

British golf coach Peter Finch posts free instructional videos on his Swing Quest Youtube channel.

British golfer Rick Shiels is known these days as a golf entertainer on Youtube more than as an instructor; he's got the largest audience of any Youtube golfer (2.75 million subscribers). But his early online activities focused on instruction, and that's still a big part of his golf career. Check out his Youtube channel, and view instruction and tip videos on his website.

PGA instructor Michael Breed posts lots of free instruction videos on his Youtube channel, and every Thursday hosts a live instruction session there.

Grant Horvat had probably the best golf swing among the GoodGood Youtube crew before he left to go out on his own. He posts some excellent free instruction video on his channel.

The renowned club maker shares some great free instructional videos from tour pros and instructors.

Golfpass, a subscription service, offers a bunch of excellent instruction videos from a stable of instructors. Most can be viewed for free, though some older ones will be behind the subscription paywall.

More instructors

If you still want more free online golf lessons, there are many options. Here are a few:

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